5 ingredients
5 ingredients

Difficulty: East - Medium
Ingredients: 5


  • ½ small, sweet potato, boiled and mashed 
  • 2 tbsp of pumpkin puree 
  • 2 tbsp of Greek yogurt or kefir
  • 2 tbsp of chopped spinach 
  • Small cubes of turkey or chicken (optional) 


  • In a small bowl mix together the sweet potato, pumpkin puree, spinach and meat (if adding). Mix until well combined.
  • Fill the Tux mold by pressing the mixture into each crevice. 
  • Top the Tux off with any choice of yogurt.
  • Feed fresh or frozen! 

Indulge your pup in a nutritious and delicious treat with our Veggie Paws Tux Recipe! Packed with wholesome ingredients like sweet potato, pumpkin, spinach, and optional protein, enjoy making and sharing these Veggie Paws Tux treats with your beloved pup. Got any leftover mixture? Put it in a silicone mold to make yummy pupsicles!

Nutrition Tips:
Spinach isn't toxic to dogs, but it's best served in small amounts due to its high oxalate and sodium content. Despite this, it's packed with vitamins A, B, C, and K, making it a superfood with many health benefits.

Greek yogurt is pure doggy goodness that is bursting with probiotics. Those little bacteria helpers keep digestion running smoothly and your pup’s immune system in top shape. Plus, its protein-packed punch is like a secret weapon for building strong tendons, cartilage, and muscles, helping your furry friend stay active and vibrant as they age.

Pumpkin is an easy way to pump up your pup's diet! Not only is it yummy, but it's a digestion wizard. With vitamins A, C, and E, and minerals like iron and potassium, a dollop of plain canned pumpkin is a nutritional jackpot for your furry friend.