5 ingredients
5 ingredients

Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Ingredients: 5


  • ¼ cup shredded chicken
  • 1 cup bone broth 
  • ¼ cup cooked quinoa 
  • 2 carrots 
  • 2 celery stalks

Special Tools:

  • Water bottle ice cube tray 


  • Boil and shred chicken into small pieces and distribute across a narrow ice cube tray.
  • Chop celery and carrots into small pieces and add a layer of veggies in the ice cube tray. (Meh on celery? Some dogs love peas or spinach instead.)
  • Add in a layer of cooked quinoa and mix around.
  • Fill each mold with bone broth until all ingredients are covered. Freeze for at least 3 hours.
  • Once frozen, release molds from the tray and slide into Qwizl.

Nutrition Tip:
What’s tastier than noodles, packs protein, and delivers all nine amino acids? Quinoa! And it shines in this twist on a classic fall soup

Bone broth (onion & garlic free) is a collagen-packed canine superfood. Collagen can heal gut walls, nourish joints, and strengthen hair and nails. It’s a nutritious way to hydrate simple kibble!

Carrots are like superhero snacks for dogs! They're packed with Vitamin A, which doesn't just keep those puppy eyes sparkling but also fights inflammation. Plus, this orange wonder veggie boosts the immune system and keeps their skin and coat look and feel paw-some!


About the Author:
Chicagoland native turned Cheesehead local Megan is a full time dog mom (and office worker), part time dog walker, and amateur photographer—and of course, canine chef. Her Australian Cattle Dog Maggie happily test-drives all Megan’s recipes, and her favorite treat toy is all of them (you know how Cattle Dogs love a puzzle!).