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Today more than ever, consumers and communities are demanding that businesses become more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. We know that we can do better, and the moral imperative calls us to action. Join West Paw, Pet Sustainability Coalition, its members, and hundreds of other pet businesses for the month of September to collectively take 1,000 mini-actions that ignite transformation for ourselves, our companies, and our industry.
Pet ownership among people of color continues to grow. In 2017 69% of Hispanic families and 44% of African American families owned pets. Despite this growth, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the animal food manufacturing sector does not come close to mirroring the demographics of pet ownership. Animal food manufacturing is 84.5% white (while the US as a whole is 60% white) and only 30% female. Our industry is also not immune to wage disparities between women and men. In the US, women earn 80 cents on the dollar compared to men. This pay gap gets larger for women of color: African American women earn 62.5 cents on the dollar compared to white men.
Industry transformation starts with each of us doing our part. Join Us