5 ingredients
5 ingredients

Difficulty: Easy
Ingredients: 5


  • 1/2 cup 100% pure canned pumpkin 
  • 1/3 cup cream cheese (we used dairy-free cream cheese)
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • Pinch of ginger 
  • 1 tbsp creamy treat (or organic peanut butter)


  • Mix canned pumpkin, cream cheese, cinnamon, and ginger together until combined.
  • Spread the creamy treat on the bottom of the Tux. (Tip: Massage the creamy treat pouch to mix it before opening)
  • Top with the canned pumpkin, cream cheese mixture. Freeze and serve for dessert.

Got any leftover mixture? Put it in a silicone mold to make yummy pupsicles!

Nutrition Tip:
Pumpkin is an easy way to pump up your pup's diet! Not only is it yummy, but it's a digestion wizard. With vitamins A, C, and E, and minerals like iron and potassium, a dollop of plain canned pumpkin is a nutritional jackpot for your furry friend. Pumpkiny fiber helps clean the colon and lower its ph, creating just the right environment for healthy bacteria to thrive.

About the Author:
Chicagoland native turned Cheesehead local Megan is a full-time dog mom (and office worker), part time dog walker, and amateur photographer—and of course, canine chef. Her Australian Cattle Dog Maggie happily test-drives all Megan’s recipes, and her favorite treat toy is all of them (you know how Cattle Dogs love a puzzle!).